Bi-Directional and Self-Referential Associations in Rails

Photo © Matt Slack, used with permission.

I’ve been working on an application that works to match users together based on a complex set of criteria (read: big slow database query and in-memory processing). The core usage of the application revolves around these user matches, so I want to make sure that either the algorithm will run very fast or can be cached so that it’s not run every time a user visits their matches page.

The most important requirement for our matches is reciprocation. If Alice’s matched_users contains Bob, then Bob’s matched_users must also contain Alice. It should automatically stay in sync from both sides of the relationship. The matching algorithm will do that (slowly), but we also care about some of the metadata behind a match, like how long users have been considered a match.

To solve this problem and meet all of the requirements, we can create a bi-directional, self-referential, self-syncing, many-to-many association between users using a has_many :through association with a join model to keep track of a user’s matches.

Lets start by creating our join model, Match, to belong to users via the user_id and matched_user_id columns:

# db/migrations/create_matches.rb
class CreateMatches < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :matches do |t|
      t.references :user, index: true, foreign_key: true
      t.references :matched_user, index: true

      t.timestamps null: false

    add_foreign_key :matches, :users, column: :matched_user_id
    add_index :matches, [:user_id, :matched_user_id], unique: true

# app/models/match.rb
class Match < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :matched_user, class_name: "User"

And then add our has_many and has_many :through associations to our User model:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :matches
  has_many :matched_users, through: :matches

This is pretty straightforward. Now if we have a user Alice and add Bob to her matched users collection, we will see that it contains Bob:

alice = User.find_by(email: '')
bob = User.find_by(email: '')
alice.matched_users << bob
alice.matched_users # => [bob]

However, if we look from Bob’s point of view, we can’t see that he is matched to Alice:

bob.matched_users # => []

But we want to make sure that any time Alice is matched with Bob, Bob also is matched with Alice using the same matched_users API. In order to do this, we’ll add an after_create and an after_destroy callback to the Match model. Any time a match is added or removed, we’ll create or destroy an inverse record, respectively:

# app/models/match.rb
class Match < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :matched_user, class_name: "User"

  after_create :create_inverse, unless: :has_inverse?
  after_destroy :destroy_inverses, if: :has_inverse?

  def create_inverse

  def destroy_inverses

  def has_inverse?

  def inverses

  def inverse_match_options
    { matched_user_id: user_id, user_id: matched_user_id }

An inverse match is simply a match record where the user_id and matched_user_id are flipped, so that when we look up matches for Bob, we will be able to find matches with his id as the matched_users foreign key. In order to be thorough and conservative with our database records, we make sure we only create an inverse if one doesn’t already exist, and we’ll destroy all inverses that may have been created. Now, if we try adding Bob to Alice again, we’ll see that they both have each other as matches:

alice.matched_users << bob
alice.matched_users # => [bob]
bob.matched_users # => [alice]

Awesome, this is exactly what we want. But wait. Let’s make sure that these stay in sync if we remove Bob from Alice’s matched users:

alice.matched_users # => [bob]
alice.matched_users.destroy_all # => [bob]
alice.matched_users # => []
bob.matched_users # => [alice]

Even though we have an after_destroy callback set up, Alice is still in Bob’s matched users. Here’s why:

For has_many, destroy and destroy_all will always call the destroy method of the record(s) being removed so that callbacks are run. However delete and delete_all will either do the deletion according to the strategy specified by the :dependent option, or if no :dependent option is given, then it will follow the default strategy. The default strategy is to do nothing (leave the foreign keys with the parent ids set), except for has_many :through, where the default strategy is delete_all (delete the join records, without running their callbacks).

So in order to make sure we maintain the bi-directional integrity of the association, we need to change the dependent strategy on the User#has_many association so that it actually calls destroy when we modify via association methods:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :matches
  has_many :matched_users, through: :matches,
  dependent: :destroy

Keep in mind here that on a has_many :through association, when destroy or delete methods are called, it will always remove the link between the two models, not the models themselves. By adding dependent: :destroy, we are telling ActiveRecord that we want to make sure callbacks are run whenever we remove an item from the collection. Now if we try again, we should see what we expect:

alice.matched_users # => [bob]
alice.matched_users.destroy_all # => [bob]
alice.matched_users # => []
bob.matched_users # => []

With this setup, I can judiciously run my matching algorithm for a user only when it makes sense to do it (e.g. after they update their profile), and all users’ matches will be automatically kept in sync without having to re-run the match algorithm for everyone. All user matches and unmatches will automatically be reciprocated when I make the change on a single user record. So now, instead of a controller that looks like this:

# app/controllers/matches_controller.rb
def index
  # takes over 1 second
  @matched_users = MatchMaker.matches_for(current_user)

We can do something more like this:

# app/controllers/matches_controller.rb
before_action :resync_matches, only: :index

def index
  # several orders of magnitude faster
  @matched_users = current_user.matched_users


def resync_matches
  # only resync if we have to
  if current_user.matches_outdated?
    new_matches = MatchMaker.matches_for(current_user)

This blog was written in parallel with an example Rails project using TDD, so you can clone and experiment with the code yourself.

Happy match-making!

Photo of Joshua Kovach

Josh’s skills include web and mobile development and he enjoys developing APIs and Android Apps. He is also a mentor on HackHands, pairing with programmers working through coding issues.


    April 10, 2016 at 6:48 AM

    Josh I am working on a bi-directional relationship in rails that is very similar to a User, Friend relationship. In my case I am working with Courses, and Prerequisites for a college. I cant seem to get a second foreign key into my database, it seems whenever the Alter table command is called it for some reason cannot. DB handles it fine but rails seems to have an issue?

  2. Leslie G.
    November 22, 2016 at 17:33 PM

    Hi, Josh! Thanks for the taking the time to explain this. I found it very helpful.

  3. Leslie G.
    December 03, 2016 at 23:55 PM

    Hi, Josh! Thanks for the taking the time to explain this. I found it very helpful.

    Bill Tihen
    December 18, 2017 at 15:51 PM

    Hi Joshua,

    Excellent Article, I was loosing my mind - trying to follow other examples - most from Rails 2 or 3 – (I’m using Rails 5.1.4).

    The article is very clear and helpful – especially the section on the reverse relationships and destroy (although I am not getting the inverse relations to delete properly, despite having added the dependant destroy to the has_many relationship.

    Thankfully, you’ve posted the URL to your git repo with tests - so I will look at the tests and (use something like that in my code and two see if they can point to the inverse destroy problem I have.



    Bill Tihen
    December 18, 2017 at 19:52 PM

    Hi Josh,
    I’ve looked at your repo code & I think you are missing a to_s in the time zone area.

    also now have your tests by using your user model code found only in your repo – but it still doesn’t act quite as I expect on destroy_all:

    User.create( oa_role: 'student',  oa_record: {id: 101, name: "John Boy", parent_ids: [202,204]} )
    User.create( oa_role: 'guardian', oa_record: {id: 202, name: "Mother Theresa"} )
    User.create( oa_role: 'guardian', oa_record: {id: 204, name: "Father Christmas"} )
    son = User.first
    dad = User.last
    son.matched_users << f
    # father should display - works
    # son should display -- works
    # father should NOT display -- works
    # son should NOT display -- but does -- not working as I expect!

    Is this the result you expect? If it is - why should the reverse still work? What would you modify to make the code work as I expect?

    PS - does it makes sense to update the article with the fresh code from the repo?

    Bill Tihen
    December 18, 2017 at 21:15 PM

    Ah - works as I expect when .reload is don - saw this in the tests!


    PS - maybe you could include that in the write-up too

  7. March 21, 2019 at 14:27 PM

    Such a clutch post. Respect. We used it almost verbatim.