Meet Keith Gaddis

I hate introducing myself. As a rule I’m not the toot-your-own-horn type. So I’m going to make this introduction pretty short. My name is Keith Gaddis, and I joined Collective Idea in February as the Shemp to the Three Stooges here before me. Online I mostly go by “karmajunkie” (twitter, website).

I’m really thrilled to be a part of Collective Idea, as I’ve been working with these guys for awhile now and have always found them to be nothing short of brilliant. We’re working on a lot of really cool things here, and some of that is probably going to bubble up to the web over the coming weeks and months as we get closer to finishing or releasing some of these projects.

I’ve been writing web applications for a long time now. When I started writing AJAX applications the term “AJAX” was still five years away from being coined. I’ve found a whole new level of enjoyment of it since discovering Ruby and Rails. “Finally,” I thought to myself, “this is the way web apps were meant to be written.” That was almost four years ago, and I really think Ruby might have saved my career by making code fun again.

These days, on top of Ruby, I’m getting really interested in server-side javascript like node.js, as well as JVM-based scripting languages like Scala and Clojure. As I get used to blogging more than I have been the last couple of years, expect to see a lot of posts on topics like that.


  1. May 25, 2010 at 15:09 PM

    Welcome aboard, Keith!  We’re really excited to have you!

  2. June 13, 2010 at 17:31 PM

    It is also worth pointing out that Keith is a great success story for Collective Idea. We first met him when he brought colleagues to an Idea Foundry course, then to a 2nd one. 

    Then we had a great time working on an application for his previous employer.

    He liked us so much that when he was looking for new opportunities, he came to us first. 

    Welcome, Keith!