Down Boy: How to easily throttle requests to an API using Redis

Last week Eric and I needed to gather historic weather data from the Weather Underground API. We needed to retrieve large amounts of data and because we are pre-loading the data we do not mind spacing the collection out over a few days in order to minimize costs for our client.

Weather Underground's pricing is reasonable until you need the historical weather data add-on that bumps it to over $500 a month. With this in mind, we challenged ourselves to provide strategic value to our client by throttling our API usage.

The free plan allows you up to 500 requests per day and only 10 request per minute. If you exceed the 10 request per minute limit your API key gets suspended for the day. So we need to be able to keep track of both daily\_count and threshold.

Thankfully, Redis makes this rather easy with the INCR command.

redis> SET mykey "10"
redis> INCR mykey
(integer) 11
redis> GET mykey

The example above comes from the Redis commands page. What it does not tell you, however, is that when you INCR a key that does not exist it treats the nil as 0 and sets the key to 1.

redis> GET foo
redis> INCR foo
(integer) 1
redis> INCR foo
(integer) 2

With this knowlege we can easily keep track of the number of calls to the API we make. The next step is to make sure they are reset appropriately, another place where Redis really makes this easy.


The Redis command EXPIRE tells Redis to DEL the key after a certain amount of seconds. So when we increment our counter we set it to expire after 60 seconds if we are at the first increment.

def increment_threshold
  redis.expire(:threshold, 60) if redis.incr(:threshold) == 1

We can add a check in our worker to idle until under our limits.

def perform
  sleep 1 while above_threshold?

  # Do work

def above_threshold?
  redis.get(:threshold) >= 10

Redis will automatically delete the key after 60 seconds and the next time we increment our threshold counter it will be set to 1 and expire in another 60 seconds.

Daily Limit

We also needed to make sure that we did not exceed the allotted number of daily requests. This limit is reset by Weather Underground each day at midnight EST. We can easily achieve the same effect as the threshold with a set time using Redis' EXPIREAT command. EXPIREAT is the same as EXPIRE except it takes a specific unix timestamp.

def increment_daily_count
  if redis.incr(:daily_count) == 1
    redis.expireat(:daily_count, ( + 1).to_time.to_i)

Now all we need to do is update the sleep conditional and add the increment\_daily\_count to before we make the API call.

def perform
  sleep 1 while at_limit?


  # Do API Calls

def at_limit?
  above_daily_limit? || above_threshold?

def above_daily_limit?
  redis.get(:daily_count) >= 500

def above_threshold?
  redis.get(:threshold) >= 10

def increment_counters

def increment_daily_count
  if redis.incr(:daily_count) == 1
    redis.expireat(:daily_count, ( + 1).to_time.to_i)

def increment_threshold
  redis.expire(:threshold, 60) if redis.incr(:threshold) == 1

With our API calls throttled, we can safely spin up workers without having to worry about going over our threshold or our daily limit. Of course it would be best to change all of the numbers in this code to constants that can be set through a setting file or initializers.


    November 30, 2012 at 22:02 PM

    I think it might be a little easier (but less creative) to use the SlowWeb gem:

    September 18, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    @Almog, this seems good, however, its not updated from last 4 years. So, I am doubtful to use it.

  3. November 17, 2014 at 0:26 AM

    Watch out for race conditions with this approach – if we increment the counter but fail to expire that key, then rate limiting is effectively disabled.

    More on the Redis docs:

  4. krishna
    July 24, 2017 at 10:54 AM

    This may be practical to use but this is not a complete problem. Below is the scenario where this fails:

    1. Insert a key with value = 1 at 00:00:01
    2. Make 9 more API calls between 00:00:40 - 00:00:59
    3. As 1 seconds happens, it will expire this
    4. Make 10 more API calls at 00:01:01

    This will work but effectively between 00:00:40 - 00:01:01 i made 19 API calls which should not be allowed. So this approach only solves half the problem.