Working Remotely?
Check out these tips from Collective Idea staff
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At Collective Idea, we take remote work seriously. We feel that anyone should be able to work from wherever they are. There are a handful of people that are full-time remote (myself included). Almost everyone at the company works from home on a semi-regular basis for a variety of reasons. We asked our team here at Collective Idea what their tips were for working remote. Here are their answers:
If other people are at your house while you work, Dana Jones, who works out of Indiana, recommends investing in the best noise-cancelling headphones you can afford.
Ray Brown suggested to try to work in front of a window. You get natural light, passive reminders to look up every so often, and the feeling that your office is much bigger than it actually is.

- Tim Bugai says that he does best when he treats his home like an office. That means keeping others out, and eating lunch in his office (but NOT at the computer). He also says to not get sucked in to doing household chores. One thing to watch out for, though, is to make sure you don’t work too many hours without realizing it!

- Both Mac Fowler and Patrick O’Dell also suggest having a dedicated workspace and treating it as such. Don’t assume you can sit anywhere and be productive.

- Mac and Andrew Bredow also recommend getting dressed in regular clothes. NO working in your pjs.

- Finally, my personal number 1 tip for working remote is to make sure to take walks and regular breaks! It’s easy to stay focused and become unhealthy. So make sure to maintain healthy lifestyle habits and move around a bit.
Just for fun, here are some more of our home offices and fun places we’ve had the joy of working out of.

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