Streaming Data From Postgresland to Rubyland

I recently gave a talk at the West Michigan Ruby Users Group for their night on data topics, inspired by my recent series on optimizing Rails memory usage. The video above is a recording of the talk.[1]

The talk covers ActiveRecord#find_each, ActiveRecord#pluck, the PostgreSQL Cursor gem, a short intro to Lazy Enumerators, a brief reference for how to stream an HTTP response that’s larger than your server’s available memory, a presentation of a crazy demo app that tries to be git for data storage, and an attempt at using streaming to optimize the action of that app that constructs the current table from its commit history.

I hope you enjoy and learn something!

[1] The recorded audio is from my computer’s built-in mic. When the sound gets super-quiet, that’s when I turned around to look at the screen. My apologies.

Photo of Brian Hempel

Brian worked with us long before he came on full-time, and had we seen the baby face lurking beneath his programmer beard, we probably wouldn’t have assumed he was as smart. He proved quickly that he has earned the beard, both as a graduate of Michigan Tech in Bioinformatics and Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, and as an experienced coder who picks up new tools quickly.

An occasional violinist and lover of birds, Brian is a cheerful addition to the office.


  1. December 22, 2016 at 5:55 AM

    Thanks for the audio Brian, was very interesting.

  2. December 22, 2016 at 5:55 AM

    Thanks for the audio Brian, was very interesting.