March 2011
Using Solr and Sunspot to Search Within Words
In my previous post I mentioned that out of the box Solr breaks up the search indexes on whitespace. This post will outline how you can configure Solr to search within words.
Tweet later with Delayed Job
Schedule a tweet for the future using Delayed Job and the Twitter gem. Plus, some goodies on how to test it with Cucumber!
Off to SXSW 2011
A bunch of our team will be at SXSW as usual. Find us and say hi!
Exploring Solr and Sunspot
We have experienced a lot of success using Solr and Sunspot for full text searching on our Rails projects. And like our Cucumber series, we’re going to start a series of related posts just on Sunspot/Solr.
Geocoding with Graticule and SimpleGeo
SimpleGeo was added as a geocoder to Graticule in early January. Here’s a quick example on how to make use of the service.