November 2013
Ruby 2 SSL Verification Failed?
Many users are having OpenSSL validation issues with Ruby 2.0 across various platforms. Turns out there are multiple issues at hand, each requiring different fixes.
Background Job Monitoring for Atheists
I’m a Rails developer but I’m not much of an Ops guy. So when it comes to server monitoring, I want a simpler solution than God. God is a “Process Monitoring Framework in Ruby” and while I know it’s awesome, sometimes it’s not quick and dirty enough for my liking.
Demographics & Interest Reports not working in Google Analytics? Here’s what you need to know.
If you’re having trouble enabling the Demographics & Interest Reports in Google Analytics, here’s what you need to know. Instructions on enabling the reports are also covered.
Welcome Spencer Toth
Today we’re thrilled to announce the addition of Spencer Toth to the Collective Idea team. Spencer is joining us to take our marketing and strategy to new levels.
Factory Girl without Active Record
Factory Girl has been around for more than five years now and has become the standard for building and saving valid model data for your test suite. Out of the box, Factory Girl plays nicely with the major ORMs: Active Record, Mongoid, DataMapper and MongoMapper. But what about those pesky models that fall outside of your ORM? Fear not… Factory Girl’s got you covered there too!